Hometown Hero Vapor – Why So Cereal? – 60ml / 6mg

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Hometown Hero is proud to present our special take on the ever-popular cereal vape. Why So Cereal? was one of the first flavors that Hometown vapor ever developed and we decided to bring it back! We took the simple idea of making a cereal vape and made it our own by combining a sweet milky cereal base with fresh ripe raspberries. Why So Cereal? has a slightly tart kick with a creamy rich backing for a truly unique flavor. Many of our customers tell us it is the most interesting and best cereal vape on the market today. By taking a different spin on an old classic, Hometown Hero has made an e juice that stands apart from its competitors while still having the familiar cereal flavor you love. Pick up a bottle now to see for yourself!70% VG

Price: $14.99